De zBitx moet een baanbrekende 5 watt, 64-bits SDR-radio worden die de banden van 80M tot 10M in de modi CW/SSB/AM/FreeDV/FT8/SSTV dekt.
Voorzien van een 480×320 touchscreen en een pocket size van slechts 156mm x 80mm x 35mm en wordt gevoed door 2 standaard 18650 LiPo-batterijen.

(bron : )
Size: 156mm x 80mm x 35mm (including the battery case)
Weight: 415 grams including two LiPo batteries
Display: 480×320 resistive touch screen display with an independent Raspberry Pico front panel controller.
Software: Fully open sourced and available on
Hardware: Hybrid superhet, open source circuit with full description
Frequency Coverage: All international ham bands from 80M to 10M
Power: 5 watts on all bands except reduced power on 15M, 12M and 10M bands.
Power Supply: 6V to 9V.
Receive Current consumption: 300 mA
Transmit Current consumption: 1.5 to 3A (depending on the Drive settings)
Modes: USB/LSB/AM/CW/CW-Reverse/FT8/Digital modes (with FlDigi)
Preloaded Apps: FreeDV, QSSTV, Fldigi and more are coming