Nederland Instituut voor Beeld & Geluid , ..Daniel en ik (Adam Tristar) hebben een track ingeleverd, en gewonnen. Deze zal zeer zeker in het archief blijven!
This song is also the winning song for the Polifonia Song Contest 2024, a competition that challenged musicians to create a 'Soundtrack of our History' based on historical audio samples. This contest is a co-production of Polifonia, Netherlands Instituut voor Beeld & Geluid and RE:VIVE. More information:
Used samples:
Italian bell recordings from the Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione (ICCD)
Italy - Chiesa di San Bartolomeo_Do4
Italy - Chiesa di San Bartolomeo_Fa3
Italy - Chiesa di San Bartolomeo_Lab3
Italy - Chiesa di San Bartolomeo_Mib3
Italy - Chiesa di San Bartolomeo_Sol3
More information on this colection:
Dutch broadcasted organ concerts from Beeld & Geluid (The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision)
Netherlands - MOZ_SweelinckPerazaHerediaFernandezCabanilles_AntonvanHorst_1953_pt1
More information on this colection:
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