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Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 11 mei 2016, 18:43
door Dopp
Hallo Allemaal,

Legendary Instruments - Jean Michel Jarre ... detailpage

Nice to watch

Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 11 mei 2016, 20:31
door Radioot
Leuk filmpje, wel jammer van de rare pruik JM.

Mijn eerst synth was een Korg MS-10, very old school.

Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 14 mei 2016, 16:08
door Dopp
Ook veel draadjes

Koop doosjes.

Alleen geen zend/ontvangs antennes hi

Venetian Snares - Magnificent Stumble V2 ... detailpage

Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 19 mei 2016, 16:38
door PD0JSB
Als Alfa Romeo fanaat toch wel een pijnlijk Tesla filmpje :mrgreen:

Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 25 mei 2016, 20:45
door Dopp
Hallo Allemaal,

Nog wat climate disrupt info sites

From Abrupt Climate Change to Climate Collapse * Guy McPherson ... detailpage

How Serious is Climate Change? : Documentary Lecture on Causes and Solutions for Global
Warming ... detailpage

Effe lachen:
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Climate Change Censored ... detailpage

Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 04 jun 2016, 11:25
door PA0HJA
The Singularity is nu ècht near......... :-) ... leren.html


Alternatieven voor Li-Ion batterijen ontwikkelen

Geplaatst: 13 jun 2016, 09:56
door PA0HJA

Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 15 jun 2016, 17:34
door Dopp
Hallo Allemaal,

Alvast een voorproefje van mijn StopWatch programma

zoals besproken op PI2NOS today !!!

Have Fun....

Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 19 jun 2016, 17:20
door Dopp
Hallo Allemaal,

Update StopWatch 1.01

En de SRC

Code: Selecteer alles

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Compare Text

Public Class Form1
    ''((C))PA3BNX Stopwatch Timer
    ''Const string
    Const ProgName As String = "((C))PA3BNX Stopwatch 1.01"
    Const strc2Zero As String = "00"
    Const strcFNCfg As String = "\StopWatch.cfg"
    Const strcTimeQuestion As String = "00:00:00"
    Const strcGroupbox1 As String = "Repeater Talk Timer "

    Dim MyAppPath As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory
    Dim strcSec As String = " Sec's"
    Dim strcStart As String = "&Start (Space)"
    Dim strcStop As String = "&Stop (Space)(F2)"
    Dim strcRunning As String = "&Running (Space)(F2)"
    Dim strcContinue As String = "&Continue (F2)"
    Dim StartTime As String = strcTimeQuestion

    Dim MaxTimeMinutes As Integer
    Dim ElapsedSeconds As Integer = 0
    Dim ElapsedSeconds1(4) As Integer

    Dim form1Top As Integer
    Dim form1Left As Integer

    ''Const Integer
    Const cError As Long = 999999
    Dim bFlagToggle As Boolean
    Dim bReset As Boolean

    Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
        form1Left = Me.Left
        form1Top = Me.Top
        Call SaveStopWatchCfg()
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
        Select Case e.KeyCode
            Case Keys.Space
                If Me.Button1.Focused = False Then
                    Call Button1_Click(sender, e)
                End If
            Case Keys.F1
                bReset = True
            Case Keys.F2
                If Button1.Text = strcRunning Then
                    Me.Button1.Text = strcContinue
                    Me.Label1.BackColor = Color.Magenta
                ElseIf Button1.Text = strcContinue Then
                    Me.Button1.Text = strcRunning
                    Me.Label1.BackColor = Color.LightGreen
                End If
        End Select

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        Call LoadStopWatchCfg()

        Me.Left = form1Left
        Me.Top = form1Top

        Me.Button1.Left = Me.ProgressBar1.Left
        Me.Button2.Left = Me.ProgressBar1.Left
        Me.Label1.Left = Me.ProgressBar1.Left
        Me.Button2.Height = Me.Button1.Height

        Me.Text = ProgName
        Me.KeyPreview = True

        Me.GroupBox1.Text = strcGroupbox1
        Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.GroupBox1, "Do not talk to long on the repeater")

        Me.Button1.Text = strcStart
        Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.Button1, "Press SpaceBar to toggle" & vbCrLf & "Press F2 for break")
        Me.CheckBox1.Text = "Alarm Sounds"

        Me.Button2.Text = "R&eset (F1)"
        Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.Button2, "Restart timer or press F1")

        Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.NumericUpDown1, "Alert time in minutes")

        If bFlagToggle = False Then
            Me.Label1.Text = "0" & strcSec
            Me.Label1.Text = strcTimeQuestion
        End If
        Me.NumericUpDown1.Minimum = 1
        Me.NumericUpDown1.Maximum = 30

        If MaxTimeMinutes >= Me.NumericUpDown1.Minimum And MaxTimeMinutes <= Me.NumericUpDown1.Maximum Then
            Me.NumericUpDown1.Value = CDec(MaxTimeMinutes)
        End If

        Me.ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0
        Me.ProgressBar1.Maximum = MaxTimeMinutes * 60
        Me.ProgressBar1.Value = 0
        Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.ProgressBar1, "Bar Range " & MaxTimeMinutes.ToString & " Minutes")

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Select Case Button1.Text
            Case strcStart, strcStop
                Me.Button1.Text = strcRunning
                StartTime = TimeString
                Me.Label1.BackColor = Color.LightGreen
                Call ElapseTimeArrayAdd(ElapsedSeconds)
                ''ElapsedSeconds1 = ElapsedSeconds
            Case strcRunning
                Me.Button1.Text = strcStop
                Me.Label1.BackColor = Color.Red
            Case strcContinue
                Me.Button1.Text = strcRunning
                Me.Label1.BackColor = Color.Magenta
        End Select

    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick

        Static t As Integer = 0

        Me.GroupBox1.Text = strcGroupbox1 & TimeString

        If bReset = True Then
            bReset = False
            Me.Button1.Text = strcRunning
            StartTime = TimeString
            Me.Label1.BackColor = Color.LightGreen
            Call ElapseTimeArrayAdd(ElapsedSeconds)
            ''ElapsedSeconds1 = ElapsedSeconds
            t = 0
        End If

        Select Case Me.Button1.Text

            Case strcStart
                t = 0
                Call ShowLabelProgressbar(ElapsedSeconds)
            Case strcStop
                t = 0
                Call ShowLabelProgressbar(ElapsedSeconds)
            Case strcRunning

                ''Calc and show Time
                ''Adjust progressbar
                ''Play a wave file if alert

                ElapsedSeconds = SecDiff(Time2Sec(TimeString), Time2Sec(StartTime))

                Call ShowLabelProgressbar(ElapsedSeconds)

                If Me.CheckBox1.Checked Then
                    If ElapsedSeconds > MaxTimeMinutes * 60 Then

                        If CBool(t Mod 5) = False Then
                            If t < 100 Then
                                Select t
                                    Case 0
                                    Case Else
                                End Select
                            End If
                            If t > 10000 Then t = 10000 ''Never overflow
                        End If
                        t += 1
                    End If
                End If

            Case strcContinue
                StartTime = Sec2Time((Time2Sec(StartTime) + 1))
        End Select

    End Sub

    Private Sub ShowLabelProgressbar(ByVal timesec As Integer)
        Dim x As Integer
        Dim u As Integer

        Dim myval As String = ""
        Const old As String = " (old)"
        Const click As String = vbCrLf & "Click me to change"

        u = UBound(ElapsedSeconds1, 1)

        If bFlagToggle = False Then
            For x = 0 To u Step 1
                myval &= vbCrLf & Sec2Time(ElapsedSeconds1(x)) & old
            Next x
            Me.Label1.Text = timesec.ToString & strcSec
            Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.Label1, Sec2Time(timesec) & myval & Click)

            For x = 0 To u Step 1
                myval &= vbCrLf & ElapsedSeconds1(x).ToString & strcSec & old
            Next x

            Me.Label1.Text = Sec2Time(timesec)
            Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.Label1, timesec.ToString & strcSec & myval & Click)
        End If

        If timesec <= Me.ProgressBar1.Maximum Then
            Me.ProgressBar1.Value = timesec
            Me.ProgressBar1.Value = Me.ProgressBar1.Maximum
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub SaveStopWatchCfg()
        Dim myval As String

        myval = ProgName & vbCrLf
        myval &= form1Left.ToString & vbCrLf
        myval &= form1Top.ToString & vbCrLf
        myval &= MaxTimeMinutes.ToString & vbCrLf
        myval &= Me.CheckBox1.Checked & vbCrLf
        myval &= bFlagToggle & vbCrLf

        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(MyAppPath & strcFNCfg, myval, False)

    End Sub

    Private Sub LoadStopWatchCfg()
        Dim myval As String
        Dim mysplit() As String


            myval = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(MyAppPath & strcFNCfg)
            mysplit = Split(myval, vbCrLf)

            If CBool(InStr(mysplit(0), ProgName)) Then

                form1Left = CInt(mysplit(1).Trim)

                form1Top = CInt(mysplit(2).Trim)
                MaxTimeMinutes = CInt(mysplit(3).Trim)

                If CBool(InStr(1, mysplit(4), "True")) Then
                    Me.CheckBox1.Checked = True
                End If

                If CBool(InStr(1, mysplit(5), "True")) Then
                    bFlagToggle = True
                End If

                Call DefaultCfg()
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            Call DefaultCfg()
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub NumericUpDown1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NumericUpDown1.Click
        Static old As Integer

        MaxTimeMinutes = CInt(Me.NumericUpDown1.Value)

        If MaxTimeMinutes <> old Then
            If ElapsedSeconds > MaxTimeMinutes * 60 Then
                Me.ProgressBar1.Maximum = MaxTimeMinutes * 60
                Me.ProgressBar1.Value = MaxTimeMinutes * 60
                Me.ProgressBar1.Maximum = MaxTimeMinutes * 60
            End If

        End If

        Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.ProgressBar1, "Bar Range " & MaxTimeMinutes.ToString & " Minutes")

        old = MaxTimeMinutes ''Backup

    End Sub

    Private Function Time2Sec(ByVal myTime As String) As Long
        ''Const String
        Const d As String = ":"
        ''Const Integer
        Const x1 As Long = 1
        Const x2 As Long = 60
        Const x3 As Long = 3600

        Dim x As Long
        Dim tmp As String
        Dim myval() As String

        ''Simple Check 

        If myTime = Nothing Then Return cError

        For x = 1 To myTime.Length - 1
            tmp = myTime.Substring(CInt(x), 1)
            Select Case tmp
                Case "0" To "9", d
                Case Else
                    Return cError
            End Select
        Next x


        myval = Split(d & myTime, d)

        'For x = 1 To 3
        '    Debug.Print(myval(CInt(x)))
        'Next x

        ''Get seconds
        If UBound(myval) >= 3 Then

            If CInt(myval(1)) < 0 Or CInt(myval(1)) > 24 Then
                Return cError
            End If

            If CInt(myval(2)) < 0 Or CInt(myval(2)) > 59 Then
                Return cError
            End If

            If CInt(myval(3)) < 0 Or CInt(myval(3)) > 59 Then
                Return cError
            End If

            Return CLng(myval(1)) * x3 + CLng(myval(2)) * x2 + CLng(myval(3)) * x1
            Return cError
        End If

    End Function

    Private Function Sec2Time(ByVal sec As Double) As String

        Const d As String = ":"
        Dim hh As Long
        Dim mm As Long
        Dim ss As Long
        Dim x As Double
        Dim reminder As Double

        x = sec / 3600
        hh = CLng(Int(x))
        reminder = sec - (hh * 3600)

        x = reminder / 60
        mm = CLng(Int(x))

        reminder = sec - (hh * 3600) - (mm * 60)

        ss = CLng(reminder)

        Return Format(hh, strc2Zero) & d & Format(mm, strc2Zero) & d & Format(ss, strc2Zero)

    End Function

    Private Function SecDiff(ByVal sec1 As Long, ByVal sec2 As Long) As Integer
        Dim x As Integer

        ''ToDo also overflow error here 

        x = CInt(Math.Abs(sec2 - sec1))

        Return x

    End Function

    Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click
        bFlagToggle = Not bFlagToggle
        Call ShowLabelProgressbar(ElapsedSeconds)

    End Sub

    Private Sub DefaultCfg()
        ''Default values
        ''In Cfg file
        form1Left = 0
        form1Top = 0
        MaxTimeMinutes = 2
        Me.CheckBox1.Checked = False
        bFlagToggle = False

        ''Not in CFG
        ElapsedSeconds = 0

        Dim x As Integer
        For x = 0 To UBound(ElapsedSeconds1, 1)
            ElapsedSeconds1(x) = 0
        Next x

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        bReset = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub ElapseTimeArrayAdd(ByVal x As Integer)
        Dim t As Integer
        Dim u As Integer
        u = UBound(ElapsedSeconds1, 1)

        For t = u To 1 Step -1
            ElapsedSeconds1(t) = ElapsedSeconds1(t - 1)
        Next t

        ElapsedSeconds1(0) = x

    End Sub

End Class

Elon Musk thinks we’re characters in acomputer simulation

Geplaatst: 24 jun 2016, 22:16
door PA0HJA
This cartoon explains why Elon Musk thinks we’re characters in a computer simulation.
He might be right. ... ce=twitter

:-) ??


Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 26 jun 2016, 21:32
door Dopp

Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 26 jun 2016, 23:41
door PA0HJA
PA3BNX schreef: Mijn Credo!

Minimaal hardware
en maximaal software.
In ieder geval heeft hij nog niet van jouw Credo gehoord! :-)

Maar wel geinig!


Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 03 jul 2016, 18:48
door Dopp
Hallo Allemaal,

Voor alle 2000 Marbles fans 2 extra linkjes

Wintergatan: Marble Machine (Guitar Arrangement) | Ubaldo B ... detailpage

Wintergatan - Marble Machine (Drum Cover) ... kZo_Qd0L-s


Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 22 jul 2016, 20:28
door Dopp
Hallo Allemaal,

Een site die iedere zendamateur moet zien die verder kijkt dan zijn neus lang is:

Sam Carana

Re: EEVBLOG Dave Jones + Forum

Geplaatst: 25 jul 2016, 15:56
door Dopp
Hallo Allemaal,

Nog twee linkje die leuk zijn om te bekijken hi..

Economic Collapse Confirmed! Most Credible Video Ever ... detailpage ... energiemix

Have fun watching and learning ...